
Hotels Accommodation in and around Shirakawago

Hotels and other types of accommodations are extremely limited in Shirakawago. This is due to a rule that only the villagers can have business in Shirakawago Ogimachi village. So we cannot book an accommodation in Shirakawago.

There are some other accommodations available within walking distance from Shirakawago Ogimachi village. You may try to find some accommodations by using search box below. This is the service provided by AGODA.

Most recommended - Shiroyamakan

One of the most recommended accommodation in Ogimachi Village, Shirakawago, is Shiroyamakan. This Japanese style inn is located just in a few minutes walk from village center.

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You may find a good accommodation, if you are lucky!

Takayama and Shirakawago Private Tours

Hitonomori Co. Ltd. We are an agent for Fun Lead International, and